Do What is Right

We’re at the last step in the BUILD method of renewing your mind in God’s Word. If you missed any of the earlier posts, here they are:

Be aware

Uncover the lie

Investigate the source

Lay the true foundation

The last step is to “do what is right”. Easier said than done, right? Just like the other steps, let me walk you through it. Keep in mind, we’re all on a journey. We won’t be fully like Jesus until we’re in heaven.

Once you have worked through the other steps, think about what is the right, healthy, and Godly way to respond to or deal with the type of situation you’re focusing on. What would it look like for you act or speak the way that God would want you to?

Sometimes, the answer is to remain silent. Maybe you need to leave the room or take a deep breath. For me, when I was struggling with interfering in the conflicts of other family members, I would sometimes just need to leave the room. I didn’t trust myself to stay out of it while standing there in the middle of it. So leaving was the best option. Then I got to where I could remain in the room, but stay silent. Finally, as long as I’m in the right mindset, I can stay engaged in the conversation, but contribute in a healthy way.

Use your imagination…

Our imaginations are a powerful tool for us in things like this. Imagine yourself being in the type of situation that you struggle with. What is happening? How are you feeling? What are others doing or saying? What are you feeling?

Then imagine yourself responding in a way that is healthy and Godly. What would you say? What would you do? What are you thinking and feeling?

This is basically the same thing as role playing. It’s a way to “practice” responding in a healthy way. It also helps us come up with phrases to say that we can remember and use when the real situation arises again (because it will).

If you aren’t sure what the best way to respond is, talk it through with someone you trust while you’re not in that situation. If it’s a conflict with your spouse, ask him what type of response from you would be more helpful. Ask others how they deal with similar situations as well as studying what the Bible has to say about it.

Recognize the triggers

In addition to rehearsing the particulars of the situation itself, look at the things that typically lead up to it. Is it more of an issue when you’re overtired? Hungry? Stressed? Can you avoid those situations when those triggers are present? Or be on higher “alert” at those times?


Don’t neglect the power of prayer. Pray that God will show you the Godly response or reaction. Pray that the Holy Spirit will get your attention when those triggers are present and you’re tempted to respond the wrong way.

Have you found this entire process to be helpful? In what way?

If you would like an overview of the entire BUILD method, you can download it here.


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