Episode 25: Creating a Writing Life that Works for You

Do you dream of spending hours in a cabin writing but realize that's not realistic in the slightest right now? In this episode, we'll talk about creating a writing life that actually works for the real life you're living right now.

I talk about...

  • looking honestly at what time you have available

  • evaluating what exactly you're trying to accomplish and how to get there

  • dividing tasks into those that need "crack time" versus "chunk time"

  • working with your natural rhythms of energy and focus rather than against them

Coaching can be a great environment to work through these issues as they relate to your specific situation. ⁠Book a free discovery call with me⁠ to see how I can help.


Episode 26: Journey to Clarity with Kristin Vanderlip


Episode 24: Journey to Clarity with Anna Rachel Bolch