Easter Answers the Question of Your Worth


What does Easter mean to you? How does it impact you?

This Easter, one of the things I’m focusing on is how Jesus’s death on the cross answered the question of my worth and value once and for all.

One of the core lies that can keep us from living abundantly in Christ is the lie that our value comes from what we do and the people who love us. I’ve done my time living as a “people-pleaser”, hoping that if everyone is happy with me, then that means I’m worthy and valuable.

However, that’s no way to live, nor is it true or possible. We can never make everyone happy with us. (Try being in leadership of an organization during a pandemic - then you REALLY can’t make everyone happy with you!!) Saying yes to everyone is exhausting and not good for you or them.

When we realize that our ultimate value and worth comes from God’s love for us, demonstrated on the cross, then we can find security. We are worth Him dying for us! We can be free to say no when we need to say no. When someone isn’t happy with us, it isn’t as devastating because we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39) We can let down our guard and deal with the junk in our lives that needs to be dealt with because no matter what, God loves me and accepts me because of Jesus.

One thing that has helped me dwell on my value to God is to remind myself that I am His daughter. I think all the time about God being my Father, which is true and good. That focuses on who God is to me. But recently, I’ve felt God reminding me that I am His daughter. Same thing, but a different angle. That has a different ring to it. It’s more personal.

I belong to Him.

Understanding our worth to God is one of the foundations to a healthy soul. You didn’t evolve. You aren’t a mistake or a random result of chance.

God CREATED you.

On purpose.

He knows you.

He loves you.

He has chosen you.

You are His child.

He died for you.

Have you made the choice to follow Him? To ask Him to apply His death on the cross to your sin? If you’re not sure about this, take a look here where I explain it further.

May you rest and celebrate this weekend that you are loved by your Creator and Father.


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